5 Smart Exercise Variations For Injury-Prone Bodies
Like it or not, injuries are a part of life. Sometimes they happen during an intense workout; sometimes they happen when you bend over to pick up a child’s toy. Regardless of how they happen, the important thing is to understand how to manage the injury, whether it’s an acute injury or a chronic injury you’ve had for years. The worst thing you can do, which I see all too often as a personal trainer, is avoiding working those muscles all together. When muscle groups are ignored, they atrophy and increase your risk of more injury. An injury leads to another injury, and before you know it, you’ve completely fallen apart. Having a proper knowledge of alternate exercises that work the same muscle groups is key to working around injuries and improving your fitness. Alternates for: Squats Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes. Squats are often the first thing your doctor may tell you not to do because they’ll exacerbate your knee problems. However, the squat work all of the majo...