
Showing posts from December, 2017

5 Tips For Making A New Year’s Resolution You Can Actually Keep

For many, the New Year means a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate. It also means a new resolve to finally (finally!) lose some weight. The sober truth is that while many will vow to take better care of their bodies, the vast majority will fail miserably within the first 60 days. Now for the good news: You don’t have to be one of those people who fail. No, really. Keep reading, because I’m about to give you five simple rules for making (and keeping) your New Year’s lose weight, get fit resolution. 1. Be Specific Ask 10 CEOs what their company’s goals are for this year and I can guarantee they won’t say something like, “We want to make more money.” A better business goal would be something like, “We want to increase sales by 5 percent and our retention rate by 10 percent.” The difference here is that the second goal is super specific and the first one is not; the more specific a goal is, the better you’re able to measure the result. If all of this seems obvious to you, that’s to...

No More Gimmicks: 10 Steps to Losing Belly Fat for Good

There aren’t many people who don’t want a slimmer waistline or six pack abs. Problem is, that kind of midsection is really hard to achieve. Hard—but not impossible. The good news is, you don’t need to do thousands of sit-ups, take tons of supplements, starve yourself, or undergo drastic surgery to tone and tighten your waistline. Here are 10 simple rules I share with my clients to help them win the belly-fat battle—once and for all. 1. Stop Doing 500 Crunches a Day Doing tons of crunches (and other ab exercises) will build muscle in the abdominals, but it won’t do anything to burn your belly fat. Unfortunately, you cannot reduce the amount of fat in one specific area of your body. You must lose overall fat throughout the entire body to trim your waistline. Keep reading to learn how. 2. Lift Weights Lifting weights will help build muscle, prevent muscle loss and boost fat loss. Although spot reduction is not possible (see above), performing resistance traini...