
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Skinny On Workout Supplements

If you’re investing time, energy, and money into the pursuit of better fitness and health, you obviously want to reap all the benefits. You want to lose weight. You want to look ripped. You want to be strong and live a high-quality life for a long time. What you don’t want is to wait around forever for all that to happen. If there’s anything you can do to speed up the journey toward your goals, you’ll do it, right? Many fitness-minded people add supplements to their diet and exercise regimen in an effort to change their bodies. Whether it’s protein powder for muscle growth, branched-chain amino acids to aid recovery, or highly caffeinated energy drinks, locker rooms and gym floors are littered with mixer bottles filled with different-colored liquids meant to enhance the effects of working out. Are those supplements really helping? Are they worth taking at all? The truth is, we don’t know. Probably not. Workout supplements, unlike drugs, are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administra...

Hitting the “Sweet Spot” for Results in A New Exercise Regimen

It’s almost been a month since we celebrated the start of 2019, so if your New Year’s Resolution was to get in shape and you’re still hitting the gym regularly, congratulations. You cleared a big hurdle – and avoided becoming a cliche. The first month is absolutely crucial to establishing a new routine. You’re probably already seeing a difference in how you feel during your workouts, and maybe even in those all-important numbers on the scale. That’s good news. The bad news – well, it’s not necessarily “bad” – is that the honeymoon phase is almost over. The hardest work is right around the corner. It’s time to buckle down. Experts say that the “sweet spot” for seeing results in a workout routine is somewhere between the three- and six-month mark. So, that essentially means that that months two to six are crucial because in order to really start seeing results, you’ll have to persevere even when you feel like giving up. Philly Personal Training, home to the best personal trainers in Phil...

What’s the Story On Muscle Soreness?

“I’m sore…in a good way.” If you’ve worked out in a gym for any length of time, you’ve probably heard someone say this. You’ve also probably heard quite a few people discuss their muscle soreness because it’s something we all experience, and striving to get in shape can be considered a kind of shared suffering. You’re sore? I can relate! Now we’re friends! Then, there’s the whole “badge of honor” attitude people tend to have about soreness, as if you only truly worked out if you’re unable to walk the next day. So what’s the real deal when it comes to exercise-induced pain? Is there a “good sore” and a “bad sore”? Should you judge the effectiveness of your workout based on how much it hurts you? In truth, many commonly held notions about how exercise affects the body are nonsense. Let Philly Personal Training, home to the best personal trainers in Philadelphia, break this down for you. Different bodies, different reactions Soreness (science term: “Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness”)  is...